
We reach over 3000 specialist individual acousticians, their companies and their clients each month.

The Institute enables you to advertise through:

The Acoustics Bulletin (glossy 52 page A4 bi-monthly 'magazine' style publication)

The website

Directory of acoustic service providers

Employment opportunities


Publications are circulated to ALL members of the Institute of Acoustics - one of the largest national acoustical societies in the world - and to libraries and educational institutions throughout the UK.

If your company is looking to sell products or services to our members, or if you are in need of recruiting specialist staff or require more information on advertising opportunities or samples of our publications please contact:

Dennis Baylis MIOA
Advertising Manager
32320 Montesquiou

Tel: +00 33 (0)5 62 70 99 25

Email: (dennis[dot]baylis[at]ioa[dot]org[dot]uk)